Actually I haven't watch all of his dramas and movies, but uncle "Google" has a lot of information about him, so based on that, I tried to put filmography for Hiro here and add my thoughts about his works. Let's start with his dramas:
1. Gokusen 2 as Misawa Hiro
I hadn't watch this drama but people said that Hiro played a small role in this drama. So I streamed only for episode 2 and last episode of Gokusen 2 as been informed, and found him on very few scenes. The info that I got before, was wrong. Hiro didn't play a small role in this drama. Hiro really played as a very very small cameo! On the episode that I watched, Hiro--who always appear in a lime green T-shirt--didn't speak any dialogue at all. I only see he opened his mouth one time when he said "Aaah", on the last episode, when Yakumi (the lead role) saying goodbye to her students.
I was very disappointed. But I guess it was a process. At this moment Hiro is one of the top Japanese actors. I thought 5 years (his debut in this drama was in year 2005) is quite a time for changing him from 'nothing' into 'something'.
2. Ame to Yume no Ato ni (episode 7) Same as Gokusen, I hadn't watch this drama either. So to find Hiro, I only streamed the 7th episode.He only showed up two times in this drama. First, when he got jealous with Hayami Mokomichi (they played together in Zettai Kareshi) who was talking with his girlfriend. And the last time, when Hiro dumped by his girlfriend, who actually been possessed by a female ghost all this time. His 'conscious' girlfriend didn't even recognize who Hiro was.
The funny thing for me was how Hayami Mokomichi looks has a better appeal than Hiro on this drama, just like in Zettai Kareshi. The female ghost in above story dumped Hiro because she has a crush on Hayami. And in Zettai Kareshi, the girl choose Hayami instead of Hiro, even though Hayami is a robot. It seems that both of them are fit as rivals. Haha.
By the way, although on this drama Hiro spoke some dialogues and he showed much more expressions than on Gokusen 2, but he didn't even given a name. Poor Hiro :(
3. Brother Beat as Yoshii
Unfortunately I don't have much information about Hiro's role in this drama so I will skip this one and come back later if I already watched its full episodes. Gomen.
(I should post this sexy pic, anyway xixi)

Update: I have watched the first episode of Brother Beat, and just realized that Hayami Mokomichi played as one of the lead roles. Do you realize how often these two hotties played at the same scenes together on many dramas? Until now I have found 3 dramas they both played together.
Hiro showed up in last minutes of this first episode. On above picture, the guy whom Hiro talk with is Hayami. Yoshii (Hiro) informed Riku (Hayami) about a chance of getting rich in just one night: being a 'Host' in a Club. LOL. I wouldn't mind if they become my hostess :D
Update 110410: I have finished watched this drama! Though Hiro only played a small role, but this family drama is worth to watch. As Hayami's friend, Hiro only showed up in few scenes, and none of them are close-up scenes. I couldn't see the quality of his acting in this drama, and I'm not sure how is the character of Yoshii. One time he is clumsy, some other he is hotblooded, he can be pessimistic as well. If you only want to watch Hiro's appearance, no need to watch all episodes of Brother Beat, I saw someone posting particular Hiro's scenes on YouTube.
4. Pink No Idenshi as Ikushima Mizuki
I get upset when I watched this drama! The character who played as Hiro's girlfriend was totally aggressive and shameless. This short story begin when the girl suddenly showed up in front of Hiro and ask him to go out with her. Hiro, who has minus eye sights made his head closer to the girl and....cup! The girl suddenly kiss his lips and then tell everyone that his lips was soft and tender. :( :( :( :(
What I don't get was...Hiro didn't say anything about the confession nor the kiss, so how come she assumed Hiro accept her? Is this normal in Japan? Can someone confess and when the target was silent, is it normal to consider that the silence was a Yes answer?